Pelion-Area Schools to Offer No-Cost Meals for Students
Community Eligibility Provision in Action
Lexington, S.C. – A significant measure is set to benefit the young scholars of Lexington County. The Forts Pond Elementary, Pelion Elementary, Pelion Middle, and Pelion High schools – key establishments of Lexington County School District One – have been confirmed to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 2024–2025 school year, according to the district.
This implementation allows all students enrolled at these four schools to partake in the breakfast and lunch program at no charge, providing substantial relief to families and eliminating the requirement for them to fill out meal applications.
All About CEP
The Community Eligibility Provision emerges as part of Section 104(a) of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. The act, which amended section 11(a)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, was designed to offer an alternative to household applications for free and reduced-price meals in local educational agencies and schools with increased levels of low-income students.
The initiative not only alleviates the financial burden for low-income families but also ensures that students are properly nourished, providing them with the right nutrition to perform academically.
Opportunity to Opt-Out
While the district is gearing up for this substantial provision, it continues to respect the autonomy of parents and guardians. Those who do not want their child or children to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision have every right to opt-out.
To discuss the matter informally, they can get in touch with Deidre Yonce, Director. Parents and guardians can also make a formal appeal either orally or in writing to Jennifer Miller, Chief Financial Officer, for a hearing to challenge the decision. The correspondence should be addressed to 100 Tarrar Springs Road, Lexington, SC 29072, or sent through a call at 803-821-1000.
Impact on the Community
This initiative in the Lexington County School District is seen as a critical step towards enhancing the academic and overall wellbeing of students. By ensuring students have access to nutritious meals, schools can help reduce hunger, improve concentration, and foster healthier eating habits.
Beyond promoting the physical health of the children – the future of Lexington – the Community Eligibility Provision is projected to have far-reaching implications on the county’s education system. It equips the children to excel academically by ensuring they kick-start their day with the nourishment they need and deserve.